- Lanka IOC PLC - https://www.lankaioc.com -








Details of the Tender:

3 Type of Tender Public tender in two bids
4 Start date & time for downloading /purchasing of tender by bidder 09:00 HRS on 21st November 2023
5 Seek clarification start date & Time 21st November 2023 at 09:00 HRS
6 Seek clarification end  date & Time 5th January 2024 at 16:00 HRS
7 Pre-bid meeting 15:00 HRS on 12th December 2023 at Lanka IOC PLC Level 20, West Tower, World Trade Centre, Colombo – 01
8 Start Date & Time for submission tender by Bidder 2nd January 2024 at 10:00 HRS
9 End date & time for submission of tender by bidder 9th January 2024 at 11:00 HRS
10 Date & time of opening of bid 9th January 2024 at 11:00 HRS or anytime thereafter.
11 Cost of tender document Bidders are required to download the tender documents free of cost from LIOC website (https://www.lankaioc.com) after registering into our tender site: (https://www.lankaioc.com/tenders/) using registered user ID


Rs. 5000/- (nonrefundable/nontransferable) DD in favor of Lanka IOC PLC for collecting physical documents


The tender documents downloaded are not transferable and can be used only by the registered tenderer who has downloaded the documents.  Hence any tender submitted by the tenderers who have neither bought the tender nor downloaded the same shall be rejected outright.

12 Bid Bond (BB) Rs. 665,000/=

( Rupees Six hundred and sixty five thousand only )


Bid Bond ( BB ) mentioned above shall be paid by way of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee (as per prescribed format) in favor of Lanka IOC PLC.

The original DD/BG  shall be submitted along with the technical bid

13 Contact Person: Swapan Haldar

Sr. Vice President – Lubes (M&P)

Email: skhaldar@lankaioc.com

Mobile: 0759278687

Lakmina Thilina
AM – Lube Operations,Email: thilina@lankaioc.comMobile: 0759278051
14 CONTRACT PERIOD 1.1     CFA will enter into an agreement with LIOC for operating the CFA as per prescribed format.


1.2    The contract will be valid for 5 years from the date of commissioning of CFA and renewable for future periods on mutual consent. Renewal of the contract after the expiry of the original period of 5 years shall be at the sole discretion of LIOC. In the event of renewal of the contract, the period by which the contract is extended shall not exceed three years. The renewal of the contract, if any, shall be subject to mutual agreement on the terms and conditions applying to the renewal period, including the rates payable.


1.3        In case the contract is not renewed after five years on mutually agreed rates, terms & conditions, LIOC will have discretion to extend the contract up to six month period on the same rate, terms & conditions.



Volume Handled – Lubricants and Grease Expected monthly offtake of 275 KL per month expected volume of Product to be stored by CFA on behalf of LIOC: 600 KL.

The above figures are indicative and subject to change depending upon the requirement during the contract period.

16 Scope of Works CFAs will be responsible for following day to day activities:

1.        Receiving and scheduling orders for supply.

2.        Dispatching to Distributors, Institutional Customers and Channel partners.

3.        Generation of replenishment indents to the supplying locations (Blending Plants & Imports).

4.        Billing to customer and receipt/deposit of payment thereof and any other Invoicing documents as required by LIOC.

5.        Stores Management  – Receipt, Storage, Handling and Issue.

6.        Inventory management – inventory status and accuracy.

7.        Compliance with local statutory requirements.

8.        Implementation of quality system as advised by IOC

9.        Refilling, rebranding, repacking of materials on requirement basics


10.     Any other related job as directed by LIOC.

17 Offer validity The offer would be valid and binding on the tenderer for 120 (One hundred and Twenty) days from due date of opening of Tender unless extended by mutual consent in writing. During the validity period, tenderer shall not be allowed either to withdraw or revise their offer. Breach of this provision shall entail forfeiture of the BB.
18 Security Deposit Successful tenderer must submit 100% product security (Approx. Rs.500 Mn LKR) before placement of LOA/agreement signing. Security deposit can be given in the form of 100% BG or 20% BG and 80% Collateral security.
Only Physical bids will be accepted.


Bidders shall sign & put their seal on all the documents to be submitted in favor of their credentials and submit the same along with their offer before the due date & time.


1.                Late bids shall not be accepted. The bidders are advised not to wait till the last minute of submission date / time for submitting the bid documents and ensure submission of their bids well in advance of the closing date. LIOC does not undertake any responsibility if the bidders are unable to submit their bids due to any reason whatsoever or otherwise and no claims shall be entertained.


Conditional offers are liable for rejection.


Bidders must fill-up the undertakings in the tender document and put seal and signature. This document then should be submitted.


LIOC reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or to split the work amongst various tenderers or to award only part of the work or cancel the total bid process without assigning any reason whatsoever.


The bidder shall bear all costs associated with their bid including costs and expenses relating to the visits to the site etc and LIOC will in no case be liable for these costs regardless of the outcome of the bidding process.


2.      Tenderer is advised to refrain from submitting any false, forged documents, the penalty for which shall be severe including holiday listing/blacklisting.


3.      At the cost of repetition, we would like to emphasis that the quality of service and timely execution is of paramount importance and under no circumstances these shall be allowed to be diluted. The tenderer are advised to take note of the same.


4.      Clarifications with respect to tender shall be obtained from LIOC during pre bid Meeting only. The clarification asked /given shall become a part of tender Conditions and the same shall be also submitted duly signed by the bidders along with bid of tender.


Any sort of canvassing by the tenderer shall result into outright rejection of their offer.



Parties/Firm purchasing/downloading the tender document) and registered user ID shall be considered as “tenderer” and the bid should be submitted by the same party since tender documents are not transferable. All tender documents should be stamped and signed by the tenderer or his legally constituted attorney. All tenderer should note that all future contract document/payment shall be made as per the tender document submitted along with the tender and no change shall be permitted without prior approval of the Company.


Sr. Vice President – Lubes (M&P)

Lanka IOC PLC, Level 20, West Tower,

World Trade Centre, Colombo – 01

Sri Lanka


Click Here to download Pre Bid Meeting Minutes [1]